Lizzy and I have been obsessed with the Hallmark channel since last weekend. We have been watching Christmas movies on there. Already! I think watching them makes me believe in miracles that much more.
We love that warm fuzzy feeling the holidays give you.
Lizzy is on some extra bipap tonight. Not sure if its her teeth or what. Her molars are coming in and are so swelled!! She is NOT sick( I hope any way). She just needed a bipap break.
We had a very eventful day. Lizzy had Speech at the hospital . We were all in the van and was rear ended by another car. Yeah, sitting at a stop sign waiting for traffic to clear and negligence of the driver that hit us to follow traffic safety laws and pay attention, the damage to the van is over$ 1500.00 . Lizzy was laying on the seat snuggly in her EZ on seat belt surrounded by pillows and said she is fine. Christen's and my necks hurt and we both had headaches but took some Motrin and so far we are fine now.Corbyn was unaffected. He was snuggly in his car seat. My head flung forward and Christen's must of also. I guess we will see tomorrow how we feel. Grrrrr I am just so mad at that woman for being so careless. Christen went to our insurance guys office and then had to get an estimate. They are not sure if the frame is sprung or not. The bumper is ready to fall off!! What else is going to happen to us? But....Just like everything else we will get through this.
Paul went and saw the doctor last Tuesday and he recommended he files for disability immediately. He injury from July has disabled him and to add to the news they are pulling his CDL licence( Big truck) because he has not maintained his blood sugars for 3 years. for his diabetes. He had a really bad low sugar a year ago . He was quite devastated by the news but.... we will get this also.
Sometimes, I think I should not post because its not a lot of good news and seems like something is always going on but, I feel if I write about it maybe it will get better. Sometimes you have to forget the bad, appreciate what you have and look forward to what is coming next. I can not give up and I have to keep trying to stay positive. Just look at Lizzy and how happy she is. How can I not stay positive with her around. She still says " She loves her life!"
Good thing is Lizzy is doing well and loving school.
Prayers for our friend Chase he is on the hospital.Also, for our friend Sophia to heal well from her growth rod surgery.
Thank you to my friends for being in our lives!!
Happy( Soon Coming) Holiday Season!!
"We believe in miracles because we live with one!"
Families !! Please!! if you have a child with SMA please visit your local fire dept and ambulance services. You need to introduce them to your child you and write daily resp protocol for healthy times and acute illness times. Let them know who you are and all about how your care for your child with SMA . You need all this in place in case of an emergency situation and need their services. Make a scan disc of all vital info and carry it with you at all times and update it. Get acquainted with you community . No matter how old your child is 6months to adult you NEED to do this.!! You can NOT always do this at home. I also suggest having supplemental O2 at home. Please listen to me. This info can save your child's life. You can NOT always "just do it at home". Invite them to your home if your can not get out to meet with them