Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Living in the Bubble " (Spinal Muscular Atrophy)

I am starting to feel very confined.  You know the " Caged Cat Scenario" . I am freaking out at anyone coming into the house. Some body uses the toilet I am in there disinfecting it less than 2 secs after. I am constantly wiping the phones off before I use it. I am bleaching the silverware! I am being a freak.  I wipe door handles etc I just fell into  "germ phobic"category ..... I am an "Antiseptic Grandma". I  armed and loaded with hand sanitizer in my pocket. I stand at the back door when some-one comes in and make them wash their hands.
I have always been a bit cautious but this H1N1 scare has me confined in my house and disinfecting anyone coming into the house.
Man, we need a good COLD winter to freeze and kill all these nasty GERMS!!
We fly out to CA on the 9th of November and I am freaking out so bad I can not sleep. Worrying about us catching something or giving somebody something. Worrying about Lizzy and the bipap situtation. UGH. If I had the money we would DRIVE. It would be safer. We could control a lot of the germs that way.  We would have to take the long route but I feel so much safer. I know its a long ride but we would do it if we had the funds to go. Last trip was about 2500 with food motel, gas etc. That was being very conservative.

Christen caught a viral infection from Corbyn and my son inlaw Jeff. Not bad but still a cold. I am so afraid she will some how no matter how careful we are get Lizzy sick.
Keep us in your prayers!! We pray for all those sick right now to make a full recovery.
"We believe in miracles because we live with one"


Unknown said...

What a beautiful picture of Lizzy Jeanna. When i enlarged it I could see the reflection of 3 people in her eyes. I would assume they are the photographer, you and her mom. Great photo!!!

Lizzy's Nina said...

Thank you Brad! I will have to look at that.
Germ free Hugs!!