Friday, April 2, 2010

Shocker Heat Wave - Living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy

The weather change to 80 degrees is a total shocker. Is this a good thing ? My allergies have gone wild!!
We went to Dana's( my daughter) tonight  for a cook out. I don't remember having a cook out in April before. Its very hot and dry.
Lizzy has been doing so much better over her last illness. She seems to be doing things lately that has surprised us. She is getting stronger even her MFR therapist Linda agreed. I will make a video of Lizzy soon showing what she has been doing. Amazing.
Our sweet miracle friend Hannah Price 13 years old SMA Type 1 is in the hospital and doing some what better but still pretty sick. Please add her to your prayers.
Paul just did final and is was the top one in his class. He starts with a new instructor on Monday. He will finish in October.  He has to go get a job soon as possible as he found out that he only get 7 more weeks unemployment. He is hoping to get his EPA here soon so he can start working in the HVAC while in school other wise we do not know what we will do.
Elizabeth starts swim therapy at Easter Seals on Thursday!  Finally!! 
Have a great Easter weekend . Many prayers for Hannah and all the sick kids. 
Prayers for Drew and hoping he is doing better after his surgery.
"We believe in miracles because we live with one"

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