Monday, June 7, 2010

Living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Some fun, Very Busy and Disappointments

Last few weeks have been CRAZY busy.  The party for Reed and Rachael were this past weekend. They went well . Both kids got some"  fat cash"  Good for them. Lizzy had a blast!! She is so much fun!!

We have had Corbyn here a few days a week and that boy does not quick running. You call his name and he runs faster. Then, when he stops he sleeps. LOL . Too cute

We are getting kind of excited about our upcoming trip this next week. Driving to California again. We just did this 11 months ago. These new FAA guidelines have made it hard for us. No flying until Elizabeth gets the Triology Bipap/Vent.  Only problem now Paul was denied a low interest loan for a  used 2005 conversion van with a lift today and raised roof due to the fact he is on unemployment with out a co-signer. His credit is clean its because of his unemployment . He feels like he was hit in the gut. I am trying to be the co-signer and praying this works but I have not  much work history since I was hurt two weeks after Lizzy was born. Then I became Elizabeth's full time caregiver. The payment amount would not go up either. Christen basically pays for the van we have. Its is a Dodge Caravan that is NOT handicapped accessible. Lizzy has gotten so big its hard to travel with her one bench seat. She has to lay pretty flat to travel. We can not find a manual lift that will fit the caravan that will fit with her power chair and equipment.  I get paid now from Lizzy's home base waiver  program 75 hours a month to help out. Its buys some of the supplements she needs, some gas, groceries and I did pay for her MFR until a few months ago that was 65.00 a week. It gave me a sense of worth finally having some money I control. I pay some bills also. It makes me feel ashamed some-times t  get paid to care for her but with Paul losing his job last year it comes in handy. I was told by her people that monitor this program for her I deserve to get paid. We need this van so bad. Christen and I can not lift the power chair together anymore. To be able to have this would make her quality of living so much better. To be able to take Lizzy myself places would be a dream. I could put her in our chair behind me and we would go to the park and shopping in town !!  It would help my quality of living also. She deserves this so much. We could take her  power chair every where we go. Her waiver program will pay for the lift and raised roof we just have to pay for the van.
Please say a little prayer for us to get this. I do not usually pray for such things as a van but as I said she so deserves this so much. If we do not get it then it was not meant to be I guess,

We found out our local doctor will be retiring here soon. That as a blow also. Who will we go to locally? No one will treat us as he does. Its sad and it hurts knowing this is happening before long.

Prayers for MJ. My gosh she has been so sick .
Prayers for Krista as she has been sick and our friend Drew.
Prayers for us to get to California safely and home safely.

Prayers for the Families that were hit by the tornadoes this past week-end.

"We believe in miracles because we live with one!"
Please Vote !! Help save babies , kids and adults with SMA!!

SMA Families!!  Please fill out this survey!!  You can only fill out the survey!! It can help so many get proper  Nutrition for these kids and help them so much!! 


Maria B. said...

I'll be praying for you. You're right, Lizzy deserves that van.

Lizzy's Nina said...

Thank you!!!