Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy- Doing the Happy Dance

We get a  motor for the van !! It was approved from the Warranty company!!  Oh yeah!! Finally the news arrived this afternoon!! They said we should have our van back by Monday!! whooooo hoooooo yeeeeeah!!
That is some great news. We are doing the happy dance here. Thank you for the prayers!! They worked!!

We had a meeting with the people in charge of Lizzy's waiver program today. Kathy and Alica. They were very excited to see her and we talked about the CA trip and all we did among other things. How Lizzy went to a tea party that her friend Veronica had at the conference, how she made bears, went to a carnival, how much she loved seeing her friends and what a great time we had. Also, how Rachael was mean to her by pushing on her blood test mark. How she wanted to leave Rachael at a gas station on the way home.
Then, Lizzy told them where the conference will be next year and how she just had to go. She is so funny. Then we talked about school and how Lizzy was going to have teacher come to our house this year, thinking about a mattress that will turn her at night, getting a new seat or a new power chair which ever would be the smartest to do. It was a great visit today. We also talked about finding someone to help finish the uncompleted projects at the house. LOL They laughed at that one..... I guess its MOST men that have great intentions but do not follow through!!
Lizzy went and saw Linda tonight for her MFR therapy. So. she went to sleep VERY early tonight. We have swim therapy on Thursday.

We are supposed to go visit our friends in Minnesota next week. It looks like we are going hopefully!!
 Its been a busy summer.
Many prayers to our friends in need of prayers!!

"We believe in miracles because we live with one!"

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