Lizzy has an ear ache and as of about 30 mins ago has low grade temp. Man, you know just when you think everything is great something else happens. I gave her motrin earlier today for the pain she was having. Local doc called in a script for Augmentin. My poor little sweetie. The doc's nurse said everyone is sick. Well, not me and I am thinking staying indoors might be the way to go this week. We "nipped this in the bud"and got her on antibiotic ASAP
I had ear aches my whole child hood and they just suck. Found out later in life that they were caused from an allergy to the heat in the house "Dry Heat". Dawn my daughter is the same way. That is why we moved to a house with steam heat over 20 years ago.
Lizzy seems content now and is on Web-kinz at this very minute. She was VERY whining today and I was so afraid she was getting sick. Lets hope it the med takes care of the ears and that is the end of it.
I have to bribe her to do school work these days.
I find myself lately thinking of all the things I have been through in the past almost 7 years and the person I am now. Thinking about the mistakes I have made and learned from, the relationship I have with my spirituality and how I have never had this inner divine presence that now helps me get through each day besides our brown eyed "Rock Star" miracle child I care for every day. I think about families that have touched my heart and the families I have helped with info I learned from taking care of Lizzy or they have helped me. The faces of the kids I have met or know because their faces are embedded in my heart in my inner soul. Why was I picked of all the people in the world to be who I am today? Is it because I always fight for what is right or he fact I don't throw in the towel when the going gets tough? How could almost 8 years ago I be that person that partied ,rode on a Harley,be a bartender and running a sporting goods dept thinking my" Big Job" in my life was over raising my kid. I did not take any "**it" from anyone. I was very arrogant because I knew I was "Good" at anything I did. Then, with out notice went into a life of second guessing myself and worrying every night for two years or if we would lose Lizzy I never ever thought I would be the person I am today. You know I can not sleep at all if I don't say prayers with Lizzy. We have to pray for all those dear to us and the sick kids with SMA. I get MAD I get REALLY mad at times.
I am consumed with Hope. Hope that Lizzy will be able grow old, the hope that there will one day be cure and no more babies born with SMA. Will it happen in my lifetime? I believe it will I feel it coming closer.
It snowed again....I have had enough of this weather but what are you going to do? Its so flipping cold.
I was hoping since Easter is so early this year we may have an early Spring. That is what I get for thinking.
MY diet.....ugh.... I get so good then Slide back.... Shame on me!!
Lizzy made a video for her friend Drew
Many prayers to Lizzy , Jake Goodson and Sophia Doebbert to get better soon!!
Here is an awesome site http://www.crdnetwor
Bloggers of rare diseases.