Sunday, October 24, 2010

Living with SMA - The Kindness of People in the Community and Another Divine Intervention

The Fighting for Lizzy Benefit was last night. It was not a huge turn out but considering the weather and how this area has been hit hard with the times it went well.
We raised enough money to help pay for Elizabeth's therapies, some trips to doctor visits to Madison and some things Lizzy needs we are unable to get her . That is just so awesome!!. My bows I made brought in some good money. I was shocked to see a bidding war between three ladies over them. Amazing how something I do as a hobby but as one grandmother told me ( made with love)  went over so well and raised money for Elizabeth. The bows I make were inspired by Elizabeth. I was going to buy her some one day and I saw how much they cost and decided I would teach myself how to make them and I have now for a few years. The bows I sell as logo " Inspired by Lizzy".

I was disappointed that my old friends from here and some family did not show up but all in all it went pretty well. Our goal was getting enough money for good down payment for a E150 van for Lizzy. That did not happen but your goals are always bigger than reality and we are just as happy for what we got.  So, many people we did not even know came to the benefit because they heard about Lizzy and wanted to help. It was so great. Lizzy has touched many lives in this community. Thank you all that attended, helped , donated and bought!! You make me proud to be from Pontiac,IL. All four generations for the auctioneers were there from 1 family. The auction went great. My friend Deb Zebell helped so much with getting the donations and so did Billie, Dawn, Melanie, Vickie and Beth. Christen did a lot of running herself.  Barb did Face painting also.
Its been a crazy last few weeks.

 Lizzy is over her sinus infection and doing well. She had a blast last night. She is super whiny today. Kinda of hard on the ears and the nerves. We were going to Easter Seals today for a Halloween party but.... Lizzy was way to whiny to go. Hoping she is NOT getting sick.

My drama for last week was Christen losing my debit card. You know that feeling where you get this over whelming urge to puke your guts out? The pain in your stomach is so intense you can hardly breathe? We were shopping after swim therapy last week and had to get some last minute things for the benefit. I used my debt once. Well, Christen keeps it in her wallet with my drivers licence because okay lets face it I do not leave the house much and with all the things we have to carry around with us me carrying a purse I might loose it. It had fell out at one of the stores we went to when she paid cash for Lizzy's Halloween costume. She had not put it back in the regular spot and had it in her cash. After lots of prayers she found it in the last place we had went. She had ran in alone. The cashier had picked it up off the floor and gave it to the service desk.
Oh my gosh!!  I can not believe an honest person found it. Amazing. Divine intervention at work again!! My chanting prayers were answered.   breathing a "Sigh of relief" Christen got a 15 minute lecture after I got it back. Then we went grocery shopping.

Reed Michael is home. He is some pain but did not need surgery because he is healing well. He had streph in his knee and is healing well. It was great to see him !! So glad he is home. He can not do much for eight weeks.
Paul has been actively looking for work.... No luck yet!!

Now, to get my house clean and life back to normal as ever as normal is.

Thank you for all that helped and donated at Lizzy's benefit!!
Keep us in your prayers!!
"We believe in miracles because we live with one!"

Fighting for Lizzy bracelets on Now on Sale  for $2.00 and .50 a piece shipping and handling.
Send money orders or checks to:
All proceeds go to the Fighting for Lizzy Fund
Make sure to include how many and your address

Fighting for Lizzy Fund
219 East Water St.
Pontiac, IL 61764

The Dove means HOPE.

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