Friday, December 17, 2010

Living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Loving the Season

Anticipation for the upcoming first school event Christmas party consumed Lizzy's ever thought the last few days.
Today, she went to the  Rotary Club's Christmas party at the Elks. The kids started coming in the room and Lizzy's eyes where huge as she could not believe she was actually taking part in this grand event where there was so many other kids. It was a party for "Special Kids" and they all were treated very special. The teachers all knew we "freak" around other kids and worry about her coming down with an illness. So, they did their part in keeping the other kids from hovering over her." Sigh of relief",  for Christen , Lizzy and I.
We sang some Christmas songs, ate Lizzy's "favorite lunch" Chicken tenders and french fries. Then, something quite magical happened there was a man in a red suit and his wife that made a "Grand" entrance and seated themselves down. The crowd all was so excited. The looks on the kid's faces were totally priceless. Each child's name was called and Santa gave them a gift on his lap. Lizzy included. Each child got a present they really wanted. I have to hand it to the Rotary Club they did a great job on the gifts. Not a sad look on a child's face and there was quite few kids there .Lizzy broke out in her "Red Blotches" because she was so excited.

This time if year is totally magical and full of a spiritual awareness and the season of love. Family and friends are so special that gives you a sense of inner peace. The newest snow left a sparkling blanket of seasonal magic to the whole neighborhood.
I have been baking up a storm . With the last winter blast we had this old drafty house flatten a batched of yeast dough  when I was making my coffee cakes. It was upsetting but that is typical for baking in the winter. I have a lot of baking to do as presents. With Paul's unemployment being cut off we need to save as much as we can this year. Not knowing how we are going to survive these upcoming months has consumed my waking thoughts these last few days. We just found out on WED that his unemployment extensions have run out. In the job world they call for phone interviews but that is as far as it goes. His diabetes has gotten worse also. He has very low sugar spells and we do not know what is going on. So,  he is disoriented and he turns gray. I pray we figure this out. He has a doctors appt with Lisa this next week the nurse practioner.   Please keep him in your prayers. Enough said about that. Its a time of the years we should be happy and not worry. I know easier said but I believe God will look out for us.
Prayers for Charlie. Charlie is sick!! Please add him to your prayer list!! He has never been sick like this at home before.
Many prayers for our friend Madison. Lizzy loves Madison and she has not been feeling well for a few months now. We love you Madison and have you in our prayers EVERY night. Our friend Kaitlyn in Canada has not been feeling well either for awhile so add her prayers also she has been in ours every night also.

Some of our good friends have made sure we will have a good Christmas this year and to have something like that to look forward makes you as" giddy" as a child. We have family too and that makes Christmas even more special. Lizzy is our Miracle and makes the season even more better, Corbyn makes it fun also. I am thankful for all my kids, grandkids , my siblings , parents , Mother inlaw and just everyone that in my life. I will miss my brother Rory this year as he will be in Kuwait this year and not in the states.

"We believe in miracles because we live with one!"

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