Saturday, February 1, 2020

Feels like the longest January ever! / Living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1

Sorry, about so few updates these day! I will try to be better at this!
Boy, This has been a long month! They say it is because, we have not had much sun this month.

After, our stomach flu illness all is back to normal.

Lizzy is bored so bad! Netflix, Disney Plus, our dish network or all the 1000s of games she has downloaded from Itunes can NOT appease her boredom. We are on lock down to avoid winter viruses. She has her next Spinraza injection in a few weeks. We had to cancel the last one due to her and I had stomach flu.

Lizzy had her IEP this week and did really well. They even talked about her designing t-shirts! isnt that cool?  Only problem Lizzy needs updated Ipad and the school is not able to purchase her a new one. An old one but she has an old one. She just is not able to use some of the apps because her Ipad is too old. Need to figure that one out.

My diet has to start Monday! I don't get to walk anymore and the weight keeps piling. I feel like a wobbling penguin! I can not help I love food!  I have never been as heavy as I am now. I went back on my exercise bike yesterday. Now, to continue!! I need strength!

Believe in miracles!
Vote in the primaries!! Save our country!

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