Monday, September 14, 2009

For the love of Grand-children (Spinal Muscular Atrophy)

Seeing my grand kids I get so excited and so do they.
Every day I am with Lizzy and she decided its me she wants to do everything for her a long time ago. I can look at her know exactly by the look in her eyes what is going on when she is having issues.
I saw a few years ago how I was not so involved in my older Grand kids as I used to be because my focus was Elizabeth. So, I made sure I am involved with all of them. As crazy as it gets around here with them here its worth it . They are like my extended kids. I treat them like my own. Corbyn (his bright blue eyes) and the way he cuddles I hate even laying him down when he falls to sleep. I see them all quite a lot except Robbie. Robbie will be 12 and is still VERY attached to his Mom and Dad. EXTREMELY Attached.
Reed Michael lived with us with from the day he came home from the hospital until he was in kindergarten. My younger daughters say Reed is like their brother instead of nephew.
When my grand kids hurt so do I.
Reed was at the golf course on Sunday with his step father Calib and low and behold his father Scott(sperm donor) and grandmother was on the tee right behind him. His father never said two words to Reed on Sunday. I wish I had been there.... I would of told that "piece of crap good for nothing sperm donoring worthless ass-wipe(ooops did I say that?) to go straight to the devil" Knowing Reed just had his 18th birthday not so long ago. No one from that family even called him and wished him happy birthday. NO CARD NO NOTHING. Scott's Mom went after Grandparent rights a long time ago and he had set weekends to be there. Scott was never around Reed then either So, Reed did not want to stay with Scott's parents anymore. He said more or less it was too much drama.
Reed and his real Dad have NEVER had a good relationship because of broken promises(like no shows for special time together) and he is just a "flipping jerk" "Sperm donor" fits what he actually is. He gave up all rights to his other 2 kids so he did not have to pay child support but Dana(Reed's Mom )would not let him get off that easy. He helped bring Reed Michael in this world he can help pay. Dana went after Scott a few years ago for child support. He would not after the order was put for him to start paying when Reed was 6 months old. I know what happened with his Dad on Subdaytore Reed up badly. His stepfather tried to get Reed to confront Scott but Reed said. "He is not worth it" . I just hope Reed's heart his healed when he has kids of his own. Gosh, I love that boy oops.... young man. Why do men have to be like that? Why do some men just think they can go around make babies and disappear out of a child's life. We always made sure Reed got what he needed. Reed was very close to Paul until he hit his teem years.
Okay, enough venting. No one will listen to me around here when I get on a roll I have to write about it. It makes me feel better. I did not have his other grandmother's phone number but, I did email her and tell her how I felt. I am probably going to be in deep trouble over this but its crap and it needs to be out in the open and dealt with. All the "shhhh shhhhhs" are over I have had ENOUGH!!

Lizzy had pictures for her 6th birthday done yesterday and family pics with Brandon and Christen. Then, Dawn and her family had theirs done. The photographer was Rhiannon a family friend doing the pics but I stole some snaps for myself. So, mine are not professional but I could not resist to steal some poses for myself.

DR Hough's office called this afternoon. DR. Hough broke his hand so they cancelled Lizzy's wellness check and shots for tomorrow. I said "YOU CANT CANCEL" I just got Lizzy to not throw a fit she was getting shots.... well I know its unavoidable. But darn...

Any way Lizzy will be 6 years old in a few short weeks. She is amazing and so are her cousins. All my grandkids are a privilege to have in my life.

Many Prayers to our friend Charlie he is not feeling well. Many prayers to MJ who is not feeling well. Many prayers to our friend Molly in CA that is having surgery,
Many prayers to all the sick kids and everyone that needs prayers. Many Prayers to DR. Hough to heal fast.

"We believe in miracle because we live with one"

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