Sunday, September 27, 2009

'Tis the season for illnesses (Spinal Muscular Atrophy)

I just got online for the first time in a few days.

Lizzy has been sick..... I am not sure what happened or what she has. Weirdest thing.  She got her some of her 4-6 yr immunizations on Tuesday. She has been fine up that point. I was very concerned about getting all those shots at once . I wanted to hold off and only do one series at a time but.... her Mom said she would be fine. I gave her some Motrin before she went . She did not even cry and she got two shots all together. MMR, Polio and DT. I expected a fever and she had a low grade temp the first night then next day she got BAD. She did also that night lose her third tooth that was so loose we thought it might fall out while she was sleeping so Paul pulled it. Oh my .....did she fight that.
Lizzy's lungs were filling up both sides..... her fever shot up to 102 and sore throat . She has been really sick. She even spent a few days on bipap. She has been on Zpak since Friday. I was up for 3 nights straight with no sleep. Friday, I felt like I been run over and Lizzy and I went to bed VERY early Friday night but I did a 2am treatment & 5am treatment

Lizzy is bit better but she has had some issues plugging and her nose is non stop stuffy. She has no fever today though.

Tuesday is her birthday and she has to be better!!

She has been not hardly any where the last 10 days so we are not sure what is going on. All summer we were gone and once we stay home she gets sick. No one sick has been around her. DR.Schroth thought maybe she picked up something at the doctors office when she got her shots. I dont know but this is weird. She said it was also hard on her to get her shots but to be this sick there is something else going on.

No more immunizations for Lizzy EVER!!! We are done unless there is an epidemic we will not get them for her again.
Add her to your prayers!!
"We believe in miracles because we live with one "


Sky said...

Get better soon Lizzy were saying prayers for you!!!! And Happy early Birthday I sure hope your over this before your Birthday!!!

Lizzy's Nina said...

Thank Sheila. Hope you all are doing well. I have been out of touch a lot this summer with almost everyone.

Unknown said...

Poor Princess :(
Get well soon honey so you can celebrate your birthday with a blast!
Hugs and Kisser to the little fighter :)