Sunday, January 18, 2009

New beginnings for us ? ( Spinal Muscular Atrophy)

Thank Goodness Obama will be president here soon. I am hoping he will get things figured out to this Economy crisis we are in. I know in one day it will not get fixed but maybe things will start improving just slightly.

Every day my husband is going to work we are thankful but it is a constant fear every day he will come home and say they closed or new company took over and that he lost everything he worked over 30 years to get. They want the workers to go down to 10.00 an hour pay, cut the insurance, cut the seniority take out the dental and the list goes on.... Its 4 inch thick with of demands the of new company if they buy his place of work in Bankruptcy court. The plant was closed for two weeks over Christmas and New Years. That hit....whooooo bad. Paid bills a few weeks ago and I cringed at the amount left over... I feel like a broken record these days.
He said we will lose the house if he stays there and has to take the cuts.
I may have carpal tunnel so I think my doc is right. It seems to be getting worse. So, there goes me getting a job. I have not posted too much about us lately. I just have tears dripping down my face when I think about all this and can not do nothing about it . I don't want to bring others down reading how things are happening here.
I try to remain positive around Lizzy and she keeps me busy. She is such a great kid. So full of Life.
Looking at all options right now and praying so hard every night to God help us figure out he path we ar supposed to take.
So, if I don't update much I am sorry.

Many prayers for Lizzy's friends Sophia Doebbert and Aubrey Poole they are both sick right now.
Maybe the future will be a great!!!

1 comment:

Barb said...

I believe in miracles too--after all, we need look no further than Lizzy and Drew for proof that miracles exist. I'm thinking of you and your family. Would love to hear from you whenever you feel like it.