Thursday, April 7, 2011

thursday 4/7 /2011 Lizzy update- Living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Update- Thursday
Okay , Lizzy had just a perfect night. Just awesome. She is on Q-3
Then, around 9am started another round of treatments . All of a sudden her O2 levels were dropping ... Then, Christen runs out of the room she was so upset while Deb ( RT) and I were working on Lizzy. Dropping O2s to the 50s, 70s heart rate sky rocking. She had a Huge stringy plugs that was cutting off all her air flow. I mean they were so long . God got me and Deb through this guiding our hands in getting this plug out. Lizzy turned blue 5 times this morning but she NEVER lost consciousness. We did it !! We got it ALL out and Lizzy says she knew we would get it and she was not scared. Can you believe she said she was not scared? ( Tears flowing right this second) It seemed an eternity.
So, now she is sleeping doing well. I had to sit with a blanket over my head to get myself composed and do some direct channeling to that divine source that gets me through each day thank again for the miracle that just happened.
I am going to come out of here stronger minded person than when I arrived.
Thank you for the prayers keep them coming.

"We believe in miracles because we live with one"


Sky said...

that sounds scary, Im so glad she is such a strong girl! hugs and prayers, I hope you are all home soon!!!!!

Just me.. said...

God bless Lizzy, she is such a fighter! Step by step, day by day, she'll get better and then you guys can have a great time at home again!!

Maria B. said...

I'm praying that Lizzy is on her way to recovery. Hugs from Louisiana.