Friday, April 22, 2011

What a difference a day Makes - Living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1

Yesterday, was a good day for a change of pace this week. I actually left this house and walked on over to the nursing home. Breathing in the spring air was great. Feeling the grass  and dirt soft under my shoes and seeing the flowers popping up all over was like a awakening and rebirth. I love nature.... I love Spring.I needed this walk.
I had the meeting on Mom's care and had my step-father go with me.  Dr.Schroth had mentioned to me in Madison when I told her about my mother and the Shingles about Lidocaine patches for her. I talked to her care coordinator and she said she would take care of it on Monday. Well, today they said Mom had been on them and was doing well. The meeting went well and we all have the same goal to focus on Mom's pain as number 1 priority.
I could not handle the colorless room mom was in so I had Christen take her in a different bedspread and comforter to add some personality to the room.You can not heal if you do not have a positive room with color. Mom looked better than I had seen her in years!! She had her hair done by a beauty shop inside the nursing home. I felt so much better since I saw her and talked to her. *Sigh* of relief. I can handle this new responsibility  yes , I  can!  I can do anything!!!  She is being well cared for now. Life is good.

I came home with a determination to get Lizzy well. I said" Lizzy enough is enough!!" I told her" we were doing a few extra treatments to get her better and No more fighting me!!" . I said " Lizzy you will get better and we will start now!! No more whining  we are getting you better". I did a extra treatment with nebs, IPV and got tons of thick gunk out of her. She was off bipap till 8pm last night and I asked her if she needed to go back on she said" No" but I said "lets take a break and put her back on". She is doing great today. I have a total different out look on things again.  I am me again. I do not like feeling the way I was..... self pity...... not worth it. Not me. I was time to forget about those negative forces fighting against us and do what we need to do to .

"We believe in miracles because we live with one!"
Have a great Easter!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great news, Jeanna. So glad you're both feeling better, I knew you would!
Have a blessed,rested, and healthy Easter!
Lots of love,