Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama-wins!! This is History!! (Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1)

The people of the USA have spoken. They wanted a BIG change.
I (I am sure many others also did) sent letters to Barack Obama about the SMA Acceleration Act and if you look in the current NEW FSMA Directions magazine its in the legislative update he is a supporter of it.

He also has helped us with Lizzy as some of you do remember.

He is a great guy/American with vision. He cares about our kids and the American people. People all over the world are celebrating his win. As I am. He loves his family, He is religious , loves his country and HE LISTENS . We needed some one with family values and with a great vision on the way things should be.

So, many people wanted change, the polls showed and I think that is why Obama was made president elect.
Those southerners(People I know anyway) that are objecting about McCain are not people who can handle change and are very bias. They do not understand politics and are ignorant about what needs to be done to get this country back to the way it should be. What are they going cause another civil war? Get real people and grow up and face facts. The way our country was heading we were in big trouble. Lets just see what he does.
I studied political science for two years in college and learned so much and started listening and watching.

I think he will make these lazy families that keep having babies and do not work ACCOUNTABLE for their actions. The ones that abuse the system.

Plus, Sarah Palen in the White House? She might be a go getter but to put her in the White House when she could not even answer one question at the debate directly tells me she is not person for the white house if something was going to happen to McCain who showed many times his temper in public. She dogged Obama badly and lied numerous time.

Lizzy voted with us yesterday and told everyone she voted for Obama. I was in the kitchen doing dishes and she kept running back in forth saying " Nina they said Obama is going to win" . and "They just said it again!! "

Both my parents voted for McCain and they are not talking to me today. LOL They too do not handle change well and seeing in their eyes a" Black" as president is too much for them to handle. So...... its best I do not discuss this them for a very long time.

Lets just all see what he will accomplish in her 4 years.

I am not going to get into any more debates about this. Its over he won and I think its fantastic!!

When his office helped us with some issues with Elizabeth a few years ago I said at that time he needed to run for president because he CARES.

Congratulations President-Elect Barack Obama.

1 comment:

Sky said...

Oh I agree with you 100%!!!!!