Thursday, March 19, 2009

Elizabeth- Thursday update( Spinal Muscular Atrophy)

Lizzy is turning the corner. I can take a deep breath now.....( Taking in Deep Breath) . She is desatting a bit getting the gunk out (which is expected with all the thick pluggy stuff coming out) but other than that "its all Good" . She is putting her fingers in her mouth to stretch her mouth and growling and saying "Nina.... ahhh whook at what I am doing ....Grrrrrr" . She is so ornery.
This was a super bad illness...... .... Christen and I still tag teaming her q-3 (Every 3 hours)her to get the junk out. Lizzy had me so worried. She was determined not to go to Madison.
She had it in her top lobes bad....
She came off bipap this morning for a bath with out freaking this morning and then was off for about an hour.
Keep those prayers coming!!!
We believe in miracles!!!

1 comment:

Sky said...

I love that she is ornery, and has all the spunk she needs, between that and you and Christen doing the treatments, shes gonna be better soon!!! Hope you all have an uneventful weekend, one filled with lots of wonderful rest and good sleep :) Hugs Sheila