Saturday, March 7, 2009

Grim Reality for our Future or new beginning? ( Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1)

Picture above is the workers leaving Interlake on their last day.

Lizzy's Papa, my husband for 34 years, father to 4 children lost his job yesterday that he had for over 30 years. Our only financial stability just closed its doors on us. He is an emotional mess not knowing if he will be rehired (at a very much lower rate as offered before the Bankruptcy with him paying 100% of benefits himself). discriminated against due to his diabetes or his age. Now, he has no teeth due to a severe infection. He hopes to get teeth soon but what do you do pay the house payment and utility bills or pay for dentures so somebody will hire you? He has an excellent resume. I am proud he has basically always worked.
Will we lose everything like my nightmares have foretold? Will we he find work some place else? There is not much left here in Pontiac as options for employment
You think your life goals have been pretty much achieved raising kids and looking forward to your retirement in 10 years then BOOM the pressure and the stress is thrown at you. We were hoping/praying for a miracle to keep the business from closing but at least we have had 30 years of secure living.
The road we have been on since Lizzy was diagnosed dealing with denials and recent medical professionals denying services should of least prepared us for this but it didn't. Its easy to say you want to move away but the reality that your family is all here kind of stops you from venturing out to another geographic area.
So, here I go again brushing myself off and starting over with a positive attitude(I am trying any way).
I still believe in Miracles and the power of Prayer!!

Article below from Local paper The Daily Leader

Sheila Shelton
Pontiac Daily Leader
Sat Mar 07, 2009, 07:02 AM CST


There were people giving hugs, as well as handshakes, as they bid each other adieu Friday afternoon at Interlake. Horns from cars and other vehicles blared as the workers left the parking lot shortly after 4 p.m.
To many, it may have been the sign of people primed to enjoy the rest of a beautiful afternoon and a couple of days off.
Unfortunately for this group, the appearance of joy only shielded the grim reality of the fact that these people had just left Interlake for the last time. Come Monday, the company will be officially sold.
The president of the United Auto Workers Local employees said Friday was a very sad day at the Pontiac manufacturing plant.
“People are pretty upset and pretty glum inside the plant today,” said Ralph Timan, president of Local 2488, which represents Interlake Inc. Timan spent the day Friday inside the plant that still employed more than 200 people, including union workers and administrative staff.
Timan said the Illinois Department of Employment Security has set up special work sessions to help the Interlake employees. He said a rapid response team from the department would be assigned to Pontiac to help out the employees.
“The sessions will be held at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday at Pontiac City Hall, 115 W. Howard St,” he said. “This will give employees a chance to sign-up for unemployment benefits and will also explain to them what COBRA benefits will be available to them and for how long.”
Timan said everyone working at the plant had been notified that they were terminated as of 4 p.m. on Friday.
“Their benefits through Interlake will remain in place through the end of March only,” he said. “So it will be important for the people to find out exactly how to plan from this point on.”
Timan said he could not speak for the future of the Pontiac plant, which will now be operated by Mecalux Inc., of Spain.
“I do know that there are signs posted in the Pontiac facility stating that Mecalux will begin taking applications for employment on Tuesday, March 10,” he said.
The final sale of United Fixtures Inc., parent company of Interlake, is expected to take place Monday in federal district bankruptcy court in Wilmington, Del.
Pontiac Mayor Scott McCoy said Friday afternoon that he is encouraged by the fact that Mecalux says it will be reopening the Pontiac facility.
“The new owner re-hiring is certainly encouraging news,” he said. “This seems to be following exactly what the sale agreement said would happen. Pontiac is in better shape with the rehire and we are not losing an employer as so many communities are doing around the country.”


Nate said...

Crap!! I'm so sorry fir you guys and wish there was somethng we could do. We're praying for you guys!! :*)

Sky said...

Jeanna Im so sorry, Ive been telling my hubby about what all you guys have been put through and he just can not believe it. If you need anything, I can try to help (even though we are miles apart) Sending you all many HUGS and prayers Sheila

Lizzy's Nina said...

All we need is prayers and your friendship Nate and Sheila.

Chloe's mom said...

I will be praying HARD for this situation!! Stay positive I can feel it's going to be ok- God is Great and He won't let you down!