Thursday, March 5, 2009

One of The Worst Weeks Ever (spinal Muscular Atrophy)

This morning was interesting as I had a call from the Patient Relations person at our local hospital. She is investigating Lizzy's PT refusing to continue services. She was confused on the "why" also. The director of rehab is in Chicago so it will be next week when she gets back to us. I could not let this one go by. This was too much.

Its been a heck of a week.
My husband loses his job tomorrow for good. They are all terminated. Office people included. The paper says "lay off" no.... its terminated . The old company(Interlake) is trying to postpone their hearing about cancelling the contract with the union till later this month . They owe the workers severance pay.

Any way I can go on and on but its not going to do me any good. What is done is done. Its time we get the heck out of Dodge because its sounding like we will lose the prison also. So, real estate just took another nose dive here. So, much for making money on our home we bought 18 years ago. I do not know how we are going make house payments, pay utlities etc.... We just have to though.
I have cried myself to sleep all week long so far. I have to remain positive for Lizzy but man its getting harder and harder to do that. The good thing is I am so looking forward to our trip to Stanford next week. Just to get away for a few days and let my mind rest. Only bad situation is that Dawn is due and ready to have the baby at anytime. We can not cancel or Lizzy will not get her medicine. She is down to the last days on that.
On a good note Lizzy has bounced back and doing great. No more plugging. I had a wonderful mother send me some breast milk for Lizzy. I have more coming from more moms when I can pay for it being sent over night and I have a donor that will give Lizzy her breast milk every month starting after we get back from CA. I have some surrgate moms that have offered to help too... So. things are looking up. Only thing not sure how to count Lizzy's cals on the breast milk so I will have to go back to 20cals an ounce figuring her diet. Lizzy has been on 22-26 cals an ounce from the donor bank. I hope my doc gets it approved for Lizzy again. It was so hard finding a way to get cals(fat) into her diet with out problems. Its been working well for so 3 years now.
So , please keep us in your prayers.
We believe in miracles!!

1 comment:

Sky said...

we believe in miracles, because we see them every day, that pic of Lizzy is just too cute!!! Hang in there, something good has got to happen soon! Sending you lots of prayers Sheila