Friday, November 6, 2009

A Long Week - Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Lizzy looks chunky in these pics but honest its her TLSO under her shirt!!

I am sitting here thinking about the week.  You think the sun could shine just a few more days a week. Its been cloudy all the time it seems.  I am really tired. Not sure why.  Maybe  from not much sunshine even though I am using 2000 IU of D-3 .  Its been a long week. I am just plain tuckered out.

Dawn found out she had Mono, Corbyn just got over Roseola, Caitlyn just got over H1N1 and Lizzy well....  she has been pretty good week after a scare on Monday night.  She was alarming and scared the bijeepers out of me. I was so afraid she was getting sick but to my surprise it was her bipap. I started using her back up bipap and all is well. She told me her bipap did not feel the same and she could not breathe as well. Changed it out and all is well.  I am so thankful she can tell me these things. The back up bipap had been fixed after it went out awhile back and we have not used it. It is working fine now. Thank goodness.

You know I keep asking myself why so many medical professionals "dis" the Amino Acid diet that many of the  SMA kids are on. I am not understanding this. Why are they not believers?  So, many kids that are using the diet correctly ( Double diluted ) with supplements seem to be doing so well. Why is it so hard to accept? Just the fact that the NIV Protocol for SMA and the Amino Acid diet have helped these kids get stronger and they are living longer should be proof enough.  I get so upset when I hear a medical professional has not given this diet a chance.

We still have not heard from Medflight about our canceled flight diet due to the H1 N1 National Emergency.  Hope we can fly in April. )Oh April..... Spring can not wait!! )

Elizabeth has been full of it all week. I am loving it. She is just a great kid with so much to say.
She is doing so well with the myfascial release. She seems to be moving a lot more. I am glad we made this decision to get her this therapy.

Many prayers for all the kids sick!!
Prayers for MJ, Karah, Stella, and Jacob.

"We believe in miracles because we live with one"

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